FAB 0 in «Designated Driver» is based on the design of FAB 1 from the original series. When Gordon boards Jeff Tracy’s old TV 21 prototype rocket in «Up from the Depths», he finds a gold rimmed International Rescue hat from the original series. And the ship’s control chair is identical to the pilot’s seat in the original Thunderbird 1. They also manage to murder everyone at the party in one night! Wow. Parental Betrayal: Richard Barcley to his daughter Katie. Peek a Bangs: Alex. Redundant Rescue: The group goes out to rescue Tom from enslavement, only to realize once they get there that he’s already escaped. Rousing Speech: Several of these are given by Abby throughout the series, especially when trying to convince the group that they need to stick together. «Everything we ever knew has been ripped away from us.

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